Any of these sound familiar? I can help!
Trouble with time awareness
Unfinished projects / work
Persistent worry about what isn't done
Constant anxiety about what you've forgotten to do
Feedback like, “doesn’t work to their potential”
Job loss or sense that 'things aren't going well'
Can't seem to get your 'stuff' together
Trouble managing money​
These are common impacts on those of us with ADHD. The good news is that I can help you overcome these and many other ADHD-related challenges.
With my extensive background in education and a few decades of work on my own ADHD brain, I can help you prioritize, organize, and develop agency so you can better reach your academic, personal, and professional goals.​​

Know and Love Your ADHD Brain
Interested? Set up a free 30-minute conversation - no obligations or pressure.
How Can I Help You?
Discover goals that are authentically meaningful to you
Identify how your ADHD creates barriers to reaching your goals​
Design solutions, routines, and strategies to address those barriers
Regularly evaluate progress towards overcoming barriers
Deepen and Expand your solutions, routines, and strategies
Normalize your ADHD experience to shift negative self-stories to productive self-awareness
Reduce overwhelm and increase time spent doing 'things-that-matter-to-me'
Find resources and communities that share similar challenges and are focused on learning and growth
Interested? Set up a free 30-minute conversation - no obligations or pressure.
How Does it Work?
As a school principal, I knew that the expertise to design effective learning environments was usually in the teachers, and that my job was to help them identify the skills and mindsets that best supported their unique teaching selves. That is also true for coaching. I will not solve your problems. But I am a voracious listener, and I will ask questions that help you clarify the haziness that often comes with ADHD. I can also help you reach your vision of your best self by developing goals and a plan that aligns with the personal and / or professional things that matter to you.
My own work over the last 20 years has taught me that regular checkpoints are critical to my own success. If you work with me, I recommend initial weekly or bi-weekly session of 50 minutes, where we will identify what has your attention, celebrate progress towards your goals, identify barriers to success, and revisit goals. Each session should end with you having a clear intention - meaningful to you - to work on until our next session.​
Sessions are 50 minutes and are $150. While coaching fees are not covered by health insurance, they may be tax-deductible.
It's worth noting that this is a bittersweet business, because my goal is for you to feel empowered and skilled enough that you no longer feel the need to work with me because you’ve got it!
Interested? Set up a free 30-minute conversation - no obligations or pressure.
My Approach to Coaching
My approach to coaching is grounded in empathy and Universal Design (for Living). I won’t solve your problems. But I will help you solve and grow from them. I am a voracious listener, and will ask questions that help clarify the haziness that often comes with ADHD, uncovering the habits of mind and practices you bring to your daily lived experience. Then, I will help you convert that clarity into specific goals and a plan to realize your best self as you:
Reconceptualize the gifts of your ADHD mind
Develop realistic awareness of your habits of mind and practices during your daily lived experiences
Meet goals that matter to you and that steer you towards your best self
Adopt a Learning Design-Based approach:
Identify barriers to learning and success found in your daily lived experiences
Problem-solve to reduce barriers' impact
Learn and grow from those solutions
Interested? Set up a free 30-minute conversation - no obligations or pressure.
About Me.

I was identified as being impacted by ADHD in my early 30’s. Prior to then, I had always been resourceful in masking the impact ADHD had on my interactions with the world, but when the responsibilities of my work and growing family began to feel like ‘too much,’ I sought help. In the intervening years of coaching and growth, I have come to appreciate not only the unique gifts that my neurodivergent brain offers, but also the slow-burn trauma that comes with interacting with a world governed by neurotypicality.
After years of work, I better understand the roles and contexts that enable me to realize my best self, and those that require a heavier lift to find success. That awareness is the first bedrock in my coaching self.
The second bedrock comes from my approach to helping people - focusing on strengths and identifying where strategies need to be consciously developed. As a school administrator, I often got to talk with people in trying moments - students, certainly, but also teachers and parents. I learned pretty quickly that when people were encouraged to develop a realistic awareness of their actions, along with a pragmatic path forward, the long-term impact was markedly better compared to when the focus was some version of 'actions beget consequences,' and it's the consequences that 'teach.' This is especially relevant for ADHD minds and our 'why can't I just...just' mindset. Through coaching, I can help you identify your self-story and the degree to which you are recognizing your own strengths in your daily experiences.
Bachelor of Science, Environmental & Forest Biology, SUNY ESF
Master of Science in Teaching, Secondary Life Science, SUNY Potsdam
Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction, Boston College
CAREER (1995 - 2022)
Outdoor Education Teacher
Middle & High School Math & Science Teacher
Middle & High School Assistant Principal
Elementary & Middle School Principal
University Lecturer, Teacher Education​
Obsessed with backyard ice rink. See?
Have 3 kids, all girls, 12, 14, & 17
4th-leading scorer on my Thursday night old man soccer team
Know at least 2 good jokes... and many bad (dad) ones.
Interested? Set up a free 30-minute conversation - no obligations or pressure.